tisdag 29 november 2011

Slam Colosseum/Soul For the Lonely

(Written 2011-11-23 till 2011-11-28.)
the Slam Colosseum
Slam Colosseum
the Slam Colosseum
Slam Colosseum
Waitress Lisa is
and there ain´t no
time to hide

Mr Yellow Peperoni
where have you
misplaced my shoes?
Mr Yellow Peperoni
I´m so awkward
I´m havin´ the Blues
All the orphans are
now missing
and I can´t under-
stand the news


sing the jingle Yellow Bells
tell the stories, but
tell them well
One more step to
And those mistakes, don´t
make them twice

Mr Bojangles &
Mr Pep
Will you show me
the shivers?
Will you do


Stink Liberater
Stink Liberator
Stink Liberator
just go where Sir Henry
with all them seamsters
and them teamsters
you are bound to
search for Jericho

rift in the drifters
rift in the drifters
rift in the drifters
where did sweet Molly
upon those roses in
the sidewalk
are they reaching
out for Scapa Flow


Jemima sweet Surrender
was the Sweetest
of them all
fine white teeth
and oh so tender
kept my back up
to the wall

Many miles we have departed
Many days by now
are gone
If we know where
Lora started
we can simply
carry on


Soul for the Lonely
Soul gives me two times
Soul for the Lonely
the goddam
killing floor
when the hour soon
is burning
it´s too late for me
to close the door

lördag 26 november 2011

King Santa

(2011-11-25, started around 17.20. Finished 17.38)

Will the King get off the hook
when I´m alone?
Will the seaweed be adrift
in Loser´s Lorn?

Will the sinking souls
of yesterday´s beliefs
be bewildered and will they
then be retrieved?

Could King Santa offer up
a better deal?
Could those penguins just escape
head over heels?

Could somebody care about
just how I feel?
Could the prison guard say:
”Skinny didn´t squeal”?

fredag 18 november 2011

Bumpsteady Do

(Påbörjad 2011-11-04 klockan 21.20 när skakigt plan lyfte i mörkret från Barcelona. Klar 22.00.)

Bumpsteady do
the Lively Crew
Bumpsteady Lively Live

Somebody spoke
in the fire and smoke:
”Can you show me the
Moonlight Drive?”

Rocksteady Crew
we are stuck now like Glue
Rocksteady stuck in the sticks

Somebody gave
me the words: ”Just behave,
and on Friday you´ll get
your kicks”


Could there be someone
who sings
in Acapulco?
Could we meet in Daylight
just one
single day?

Could there be a lonesome soul
in setting Sun, my friend
When the silvery Moon has
turned to


Restless Farewell
in the end, well, well, well
Restless with wish in the well

Somebody went
to the Salvation Tent
where he told me:
”You´re heading for Hell”

Bumpsteady, do
you feel empty and Blue?
Bumpsteady, empty but true?

Somebody spoke:
”I was pulling a joke
and I´m sorry
I aimed it
at you”

onsdag 16 november 2011

Skämskudde & hagelgevär (Skrivet med Joakim Gullander)

(Filosofier nedtecknade 15/11 2011. En skämskudde är en kudde man håller framför sig när man ser exempelvis TV-tävlingen "Kär och galen". När det blir för skämmigt gömmer man sig bakom kudden. Tack, Eva B. för info!)

Filosofi 1:
Foliehatt plus skämskudde plus suspensoar plus knäskydd plus skor med broddar = Helgarderad.


Filosofi 2:
Krigshjälm, krutdurk, ångest, avkapat hagelgevär, turkos träningsoverall från åttiotalet plus en påse Algrens bilar = Terror.

fredag 11 november 2011

Face In the Rain (Mel: Tango för två)

(2011-11-08, 16.05-17.57)

It IS a Face in the Rain
Would you believe
it´s all about
a Face
in the Rain?

The traces will always
Remain in Lover´s Lane
and in a Face in the

söndag 6 november 2011

Abendblätter Freundschaft

(Skrivet 2011-11-04 klockan 23.30-23.50 strax före landning med plan från Barcelona.)
Mit den Abendblätter Freundschaft
als Fasad
gehen wir nach
an Parad

alle Wärfen seine Täschen
swischen Schwestern
mit den Messern
keine Sorgen will
verdunkeln mein
Hola-Drei wenn mein
Mephisto kommt darein
Guckt an Hosen
Guckt an Hemd und
Halz und Bein

lauten wieder
und wir gehen
Manchmal nieder
in ein Allgemeine
Deutsche Volksparad!
Hola-drei, kann du
erklären wo Ich war?
Wenn Vergiss-Mein-
Nicht var Tot
und Offenbar

Ich zurück kam
aus Rimini
Jetzt verhaftet bei
dem Krimi
In Gefängnis sing ich
”Twinkle little Star”.

lördag 5 november 2011

Desideria En Dröm

(Skrivet på flygplan under landning i mörker 2011-11-05, klockan 00.03-00.09.)

Hipp Hurra för Hin Håle,
töm och glöm
Du har ej blivit synad
i nån söm

Desideria en dröm
ömsom kall och
ömsom öm
Där som ädel adel
märkts i varje töm